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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Using the Silverlight Accordion Control

The Silverlight Toolkit contains the Accordion control, the control that functions similarly to its AJAX equivalent. We'll examine this control and explore is various features, looking at what Silverlight offers over its AJAX equivalent....Full Article.

LINQ to SQL and ADO.NET Data Services: Working Together

In this article, Sergey examines the relationship between LINQ, SQL and ADO.NET data services with the help of a sample project. He begins by demonstrating the procedures used to detect key fields in a data model and to update data including the steps required to implement the IUpdatable interface....Full Article.

Url Rebasing in ASP.NET 2.0

In Asp.Net 2.0 masterpages are introduced to help develop websites with standardized and consistent design across all pages. The introduction of masterpages has enabled a new concept called URL rebasing. This article explains URL rebasing and its connection with masterpages. This article also clarifies what the purpose of URL rebasing is and the reason for its emergence. Finally, the article lists some interesting points about URL rebasing....Full Article.

Using ASP.NET 3.5's ListView and DataPager Controls: Editing Data

The GridView and DetailsView controls offer built-in editing functionality that can be turned on with the tick of a checkbox. Without writing a line of declarative markup or server-side source code, the page developer gets a decent out of the box editing interface. Namely, each field in the GridView or DetailsView is rendered in its editing interface; BoundFields display a TextBox control while CheckBoxFields display an enabled checkbox. Moreover, a CommandField is added, which displays t...Full Article.

"Out Of Memory" Does Not Refer to Physical Memory

What does the optimize switch do?

I was asked recently exactly what optimizations the C# compiler performs when you specify the optimize switch. Before I answer that, I want to make sure that something is perfectly clear. The compiler's "usage" string is not lying when it says:

/debug[+|-]     Emit debugging information
/optimize[+|-]  Enable optimizations

Emitting debug information and optimizing the generated IL are orthogonal; they have no e...Full Article.

Tip# 77: Did you know. How to enable Page Level Tracing for your ASP.NET pages?

Enabling tracing at page level gives you a bunch of information that can be useful while debugging your application.Tracing helps understand which control uses more view state,  start/end of PreInit, start/end of Init, start/end of Render, etc. This information appears at the bottom of the page. By default page level tracing is disabled.

Tracing can be enabled at Page Level and also at Application Level

To enable Tracing at Page Level select DOCUME...Full Article.

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