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Saturday, February 14, 2009

RFID: What I really want it for

This isn't really coding related, but it's technology related at least. There's been a lot of fuss made about how great or awful RFID is and will be in the future, in terms of usefuless and privacy invasion respectively. There's one use which I haven't seen discussed, but which seems pretty obvious to me - but with further enhancements available.

Basically, I want RFID on clothes to tell me useful stuff. Suppose each item of clothing were uniquely tagged, and you had a bunch of scanners in your home linked up to one system which stored metadata about the clothes. Suddenly the following tasks become easier:

  • Working out which wash cycle to use for a whole washing basket. Can't see the dark sock hidden in the white wash? The RFID scanner could alert you to it. Likewise tumbledrying - no need to check each item separately, just attach the scanner over the tumbledryer door and wait for it to beep as you try to put something in which shouldn't be tumbled.
  • Separating clothes to put them away after they're clean and dry. Admittedly this is more of a chore for our household than others (with twin boys and an older brother, where some items of clothing could belong to any of them) but it would be really, really useful for us.
  • Remembering who you've borrowed which clothes from. Kids grow out of clothes very quickly; we have a number of friends who lend us clothes from their children, and likewise we lend plenty of clothes to them and others. You've then got to remember what you borrowed from who, which can become tricky when you've got a loft full of bags of clothing. Wouldn't it be nice to just "label" all the clothes in a bag with the owner's name when you first receive them, and then just pass a scanner near everything quickly later on?

The privacy issues of all of this would have to be worked out carefully (as the simplest solution would allow your movements to be traced just by which clothes you're wearing) but if it does end up being possible, I'll be hugely grateful for this.

(Next up, benchmarking of for vs foreach in various situations. In other words, back to our regular schedule :)

...Full Article.

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