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Tuesday, August 19, 2008



Looks like I will be at DevTeach in Montreal this December. I will be doing 4 talks (so much to keep in my head at once). There are many other great people showing up that I really look forward to seeing.



In the Agile Track I will do a talk


"TDD in a DbC World"

Design by Contract is slowly moving its way into the mainstream. Many wrongfully find Test Driven Development and Design by Contract to be in conflict with each other.

This session will familiarize the audience with some some basic concepts of Design by Contract and the use of a theorem prover for the static checking of contracts. Discussion will then look in more depth at how we can maintain a Test First mentality in a Contract First world.


This talk is the same as the one I am doing in the alt.net track at QCon



The rest of the talks are all in the Architecture Track:

Domain Driven Design Chalk Talk

We as developers and designers face increasingly more difficult problem spaces. By creating models around these problems we can create better, more flexible, longer lasting, and further distilled solutions to these problems. Domain-Driven Design is a formalization of this process.

This talk introduces many of the basic patterns in Domain-Driven Design but instead of focusing on the patterns themselves it focuses on the interactions and intentions of the patterns. In other words, we will talk about "entities" for about 30 seconds before we get down and dirty on some real life problems and handle the tough stuff like determining aggregate boundaries and the roles of application services.

A novice should be able to take away something from this talk, but then again so should an expert.


I am particularly looking forward to this one as I have done a few of these in the past but never actually "prepared" for one. After watching the video from alt.net this weekend there are definitely some places where having a list of what I want to talk about will come in handy.


The Non-Functional Juggler

This is not just me making failed attempts at keeping flaming knives in the air, although that would probably be more entertaining.

Non-Functional specifications are at the core of any architecture. Learning to balance non-functional specifications with each other and align them with business needs is the most important skill an architect can possess.

The presentation looks at some of the varying types of non-functional specifications, how they interact with each other, and how you as an architect can determine the level of success for your project by managing them.


Command Query Separation

Betrand Meyer introduced the concept of Command and Query separation to Design by Contract nearly 30 years ago. Command and Query separation need not only apply at a micro-level to our code but should be a key architectural theme in our systems.

This presentation after defining Command and Query separation as a theme, looks at a few common architectures and how we can improve them through the strong use of separation.

Source Click Here.

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