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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Visual Studio Team System 2010 is Coming

I normally let the product groups blog about their announcements - they do a much better job at blogging anyway.. however, I wanted to make sure that everyone is going to check out Channel9 this week as there is some great content coming.


Stay tuned to http://channel9.msdn.com/VisualStudio/ for all of the action!

Source Click Here.


  1. Great stuff there..I just went there and checked it out a minute ago....but came back to thank you for providing the link..and also I might as well ask you if you by any chance know what will be happening with
    #C in this version of Visual Studio...I mean will there be any significant improvements ?!

  2. C# 4.0 is being introduced in Visual studio 2010.
    Checkout this.



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