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Friday, November 28, 2008

VSTS Team - Winning Hearts and Minds

A few years ago, I remember speaking to the VSTS team about community.  It was a formal presentation arranged by one of the old team members - where I was to talk about the importance of community support and how to win the hearts and minds of developers - and ultimately customers.  I'm actually not claiming that I had anything to do with this - but embracing community is exactly what the VSTS team have been doing.

Over the years blogging has become an important tool for communication and education.  In fact, I used to blog a LOT regarding VSTS but decided to stop after I saw that my blog was, in fact, second hand, to the blogs maintained by the VSTS team. 

I was expecting this a bit sooner - better late than never - however, you can now follow the VSTS team on Twitter (my new social addiction it seems).  Personally, I'm at the point where I need a better Twitter aggregator.  Any suggestions?

Source Click Here.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it seems that the
    VSTS team realized that they should keep the public up to date...offcourse up to a certain level that is...and as for a better Twitter aggregator....well i really would like to help you out..but I do not know any better one...


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